Sunday, April 26, 2009

Indonesian Model Manohara

What’ with Malaysian Men in Power (MMIP) and foreign models? First we had the saga of the Mongolian model where the names of MMIPs Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his associates were involved.

Now we have the Kelantan prince and the Indonesian Model Manohara. The Indonesian Press is naturally having a field day with this story as it appears that there are all sorts of seedy goings on, including sexual problems, alleged kidnaps, family intriques etc etc.

Which raises the question of whether such liaisons speak of the alluring power of such models or do they speak of the power trips of MMIPs, who probably have a hard time getting it up but want to overcompensate by possessing the most exotic and “beautiful”?

For account and summary of this sordid affair in English, as well as lots of pics of the desirable Manohara, go here

Jakarta - Model cantik Manohara Odelia Pinot (17) pernah mendatangi seksolog dr Naek L Tobing. Hal ini dilakukan untuk berkonsultasi tentang seluruh permasalahan di rumah tangganya.

“Ada konflik di antara mereka. Pokoknya macem-macem soal rumah tangga,” kata Naek saat berbincang dengan detikcom, Rabu (24/4/2009) malam.

Kunjungan itu dilakukan sekitar 2 bulan lalu. Mano datang bersama ibunya, Daisy Fajaria. Waktu konsultasi pun tidak berlangsung lama.

Dr Naek enggan menjelaskan secara rinci persoalan yang dikeluhkan Mano saat itu. Namun ia mengaku, dibahas juga tentang kekerasan yang terjadi di dalam rumah tangga mereka, termasuk kekerasan seksual.

“Semualah macam-macam kekerasan, saya tidak bisa menjelaskan panjang lebar. Lebih baik ajak saja ibunya ke mari untuk bicara lagi,” pungkasnya.

Ngobrolin model cantik Manohara Odelia Pinot? Gabung di sini.

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